Magistrate’s Court


The Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd edition (online) has the definition removed. Using web archiving tools we recovered the page from 2012. This is the same definition as the 1933 BLD printed Third Edition.

“In American law. Courts in the state of South Carolina, having exclusive jurisdiction in matters of contract of and under twenty dollars. A

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Crimes of coercion/slavery

For any agency forcing you to perform in any way, not providing a choice.

Criminal Code Act 1995

Subdivision C—Slavery‑like offences

270.4  Definition of servitude

             (1)  For the purposes of this Division, servitude is the condition of a person (the victim) who provides labour or services, if, because of the use of coercion, threat or deception:

                     (a)  a Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Nuggets

Writ of Mandamus

Types of Mandamus

Depending on the circumstances of the matter, a court may order any of three types of mandamus. These include:

  1. Alternative Mandamus – an order often issued when an application for writ of mandamus has been made. The alternative mandamus allows the defendant to either perform the action demanded, or appear before the court to give good reason
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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Private travel

Australian Government Solicitors Fact Sheet 12, mysteriously GONE from their website. Thanks to web archiving tools, we found it again.

Fact_sheet_No_12 (pdf) Some of the relevant sections highlighted

From Fact Sheet 12:
Commonwealth government bodies are bound by the ACL as a law of the Commonwealth in the same way that they were  previously bound by the consumer protection provisions

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Beware postal fraud

Some people may have experienced agents “signing” for documents, that were commissioned/contracted to/you paid a fee for that service to be done, to be received by a named individual, but they were not signed by that individual. If anyone signs using a false name… this may apply:


Sending false postal messages

                   A person

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Banks disposed your Title?

Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913 (WA) Criminal Code Acts are similar in each State and Territory.

Chapter XXXVII — Offences analogous to stealing

379.Concealing official register

Any person who, with intent to defraud, conceals or takes from its place of deposit any register which is authorised or required by law to be kept for authenticating or recording the Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Challenging Jurisdiction

Option 1 (if criminal ie speeding ticket, video below)

Didn’t accept your paperwork/filings? That’s a criminal offence.
Is Joseph BLOGGS your name? Joseph is the living man, Joseph BLOGGS is the defendant in error, its the artificial person, but your honour, I have to ask a few questions first. Firstly I need to understand the nature in the cause of … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information
Oath of Office 47th Parliament Hansard

Oath of Office 47th Parliament Hansard

Please have a look at page 13 and 14 of the pdf, highlighted for your convenience.

I have emailed only one Minister to date, and their office sent this hansard pdf.

Missing the wording of their Oaths or Affirmations.

Senate_2022_07_26_Official (pdf) Hansard

This is what was affirmed by what is being falsely called the Prime minister (not in the Hansard, … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

I’m a little trim tab

As the story goes, as I read it many years ago… I am, we are, but little trim tabs.

A “trim tab”, as I was told, is a tiny tab, or rudder’s assistant, under the huge ships. Many many tiny trim tabs move to redirect the current so that the large rudders on big ships can operate effectively. That is, … Read article

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