Sydney Law Review

SydneyLawReview33 (pdf)

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In 1920 a unanimous High Court held that ‘[w]here a thing is declared illegal, whatever may be the object of the prohibition, the thing declared illegal is of no force or validity, and everything dependent on that thing…shares the fate of the thing prohibited’.1 That holding invoked the ‘void ab initio’ doctrine in relation … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Nuggets
Quo Warranto

Quo Warranto

From Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd edition online.

“In old English practice. A writ, in the nature of a writ of right for the king, against him who claimed or usurped any office, franchise, or liberty; to inquire by what authority he supported his claim, in order to determine the right It lay also in case of non-user, or long neglect … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information, Nuggets

Revocation of all Powers of Attorney;

Revocation of all Powers of Attorney;
Through Lies, Deceit, and Trickery;
Enslaving People to a System of Control.

Let it be known:

Any and All: Powers of Attorney, “Principal agent relationships” [POA], for and on behalf of Denis-Peter: the sole Beneficiary of the DENIS PETER RAWLINSON Trust and Estate; are now forever in the now time, Cancelled, Terminated, Revoked and … Read article

Posted by Denis-Peter in Public Notice

SUBMISSION on Communications Legislation Amendment: Overt & Public.

SUBMISSION on Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation)
Bill 2024
Emailed Notice Overt
From End-to-end encrypted and signed message,
Yesterday Friday, September 27th, 2024 at 8:19 AM
To senior

Dear Senate,
I, Denis-Peter: am writing to express my grave concerns about the, Disinformation Bill, which is a potential threat to democracy.

This submission is intended to be … Read article

Posted by Denis-Peter in Public Notice

Fraudulent Council Takes and never Gives– collected using Extortion:
As There so Here,
How due process can stop the Council Tax racket

Are you obligated to pay Council Tax?

It has a reason that you cannot pay it with a Bill of Exchange:
Due to fraud and Treason:
That is allowed by the State.
The growing public revolt against Council Tax racketeering in Britain is a principled one … Read article

Posted by Denis-Peter in Public Notice

From fertilisation to last breath


Fertilisation was the day you were created. 23 chromosomes from your mother, 23 chromosomes from your father, you were created.

The period between fertilisation and your first breath was stolen, the placenta being taken from your whole, as security, to facilitate the creation of an ens legis “person”, the placenta being the trust res of the cestui que trust.… Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Infringement anyone?

Imperial Acts Application Act 1980

See s12,
12. That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction, are illegal and void.

That’s a Victorian Act (and offence was in another state?), under Constitution s117
117 Rights of residents in States.
A subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in
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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Imperial Acts Application Act 1980


Excerpt from above link, about 4/5 down the page:

And thereupon the said lords spiritual and temporal, and commons, pursuant to their respective letters and elections, being now assembled in a full and free representative of this nation, taking into their most serious consideration the best means for attaining the ends aforesaid; do in the first place (as

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Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Corpus Delicti

You might like to think speeding ticket… a “criminal offence”?

From Wikipedia:
Corpus delicti (Latin for “body of the crime”; plural: corpora delicti), in Western law, is the principle that a crime must be proved to have occurred before a person can be convicted of committing that crime.

For example, a person cannot be tried for larceny unless … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information

Revoke implied right of entry

Example 1

Revocation of Implied Right of Entry to property described as xx Smith Street, Bloggsville. Any and all Implied Right of Entry is hereby removed, trespass damages apply of 32oz gold per trespass (or pursuant to Fee schedule ID XXX or the No Trespass sign on that property). No Lawful Right Of Entry without a lawfully executed, valid in … Read article

Posted by PMA admin in General Information