From fertilisation to last breath


Fertilisation was the day you were created. 23 chromosomes from your mother, 23 chromosomes from your father, you were created.

The period between fertilisation and your first breath was stolen, the placenta being taken from your whole, as security, to facilitate the creation of an ens legis “person”, the placenta being the trust res of the cestui que trust.

For every and any year you acknowledge/d a “birth day” you remain unwhole, an infant, and the missing part of your life is held as a security for the ens legis.

A Memoir (Transcript)

For convenience and consistency, I am, as Author, moved by sound reasoning and direct knowledge of the “truth of the matter” to write this source, holistic, and classic declaratory memoir proving once and for all that One is “all present and accounted for” from fertilization to last breath:

One’s unique genesis, known biologically as fertilization, is both a creative “Act of God” and the true Origin of the Species – wholly in accordance with the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God;

One’s whole vessel originates at the unification of dad’s 23-chromosome sperm with mom’s 23-chromosome ovum resulting in a single 46-chromosome Zygote – is defined in scope by its pellucid membrane as an “original package” in the womb – evolving without sunder throughout One’s mortal journey – terminating only upon One’s last expired breath beyond the womb;

I am, as spirit, prior to the substantial formation of said vessel – exist as the exclusive owner of the entire biological vessel from its origin – and will continue to exist beyond the demise of said vessel through my direct biological offspring;

I am, as spirit, quintessential Lord and Master with dominion extending over the vessel and all its works or products, input or output, be it, time/energy, biological/spiritual, intellectual/artistic, capital/labor, written/spoken, or anything otherwise;

I am, as spirit, always in direct communication with the Father – as I and my father are One – and have no need of a middleman for such a thing is an absurd conception and object repugnant to One’s overall integrity, as well as, the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God

Kurtis R. Kallenbach

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