FOI Queen of Australia Coronation

Request Pt 1 Request Response
Dear Attorney-General’s Department,

Please provide the document/s evidencing the event, signatories of the Coronation of the first Queen of Australia.

Yours faithfully,

Conditionally without waiver of any rights under the non-corporate Commonwealth

Dear Jillian
Thank you for your email, which was received by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department (the department) Freedom of
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Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information, Nuggets

Privacy Act 1988

From Attorney-General’s website:
[Notation added in square brackets]

Under the Privacy Act 1988, (Privacy Act), you have a right to access your personal information that is held by this department. You also have a right to request corrections to any personal information we hold about you if you think it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

In addition to

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Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information

ATO FOI 2012/87 local government tax

Does the payment of general rates to the entity, a local government, constitute the payment of an ‘Australian tax’,
for the purposes of subsection 81-5(1) of the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act)?

Yes, the payment of general rates to the entity constitutes the payment of an ‘Australian tax’, for the purposes

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Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information

FOI Bills of Exchange

On 10 January 2024, you emailed the Office of the Attorney-General (the office) requesting access
• A certified copy of the exemption instrument/certificate/notice/document that exempts
government departments and government corporations and government funded
corporations from complying with the Bills of Exchange Act 1909.
• A list of those government departments and government corporations and government
funded corporations and any

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Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information

FOI Department of Premier and Cabinet

FOI-2023-336 – Decision (pdf)

SEH FOI to the Department of the Prime Minister

I request the following documents:
1. I request the documents that provide for the Assent to the Parliament of United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Sri Lanka to the Royal Styles and Titles Act 1973 for the Commonwealth of Australia for the alteration in the

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Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information

ATO FOI on local “government” 2005/337

Currently still available from the ATO website.

CG21_ATO_ID_2005_337_Legal_database_Council_not_an_associate_of (pdf)

Please take note of all instances of “local government” and “Local government”, and any other references where “Government” has a capital “G” – they are referring to actual Government entities, not “governing bodies” that are not Government. This is consistent with all of the “Local Government Acts”, all instances of Read article

Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information, Nuggets

Queen of Australia FOIs

Source and  full article from Constitution Watch

For your scrutiny a Freedom of Information Response from the Attorney Generals Office of the Australian Government (Not of the Commonwealth?).
The author wrote to confirm if there had been changes as recommended by the Constitutional Commission, Commissioned by the very same Attorney Generals Office, specifically Bill No 1, and Bill No. … Read article

Posted by Jillian in FOI, General Information