FOI Bills of Exchange

On 10 January 2024, you emailed the Office of the Attorney-General (the office) requesting access
• A certified copy of the exemption instrument/certificate/notice/document that exempts
government departments and government corporations and government funded
corporations from complying with the Bills of Exchange Act 1909.
• A list of those government departments and government corporations and government
funded corporations and any other corporations that are exempt from the Bills of
Exchange Act 1909.
On 12 January 2024, the department acknowledged your request and notified you that the request
had been transferred from the office to the department pursuant to s 16 of the FOi Act.


There are no documents that exempt government departments, government corporations and
government funded corporations from complying with the Bills of Exchange Act 1909, which is why
the department holds no such documents.

FOI – BoE – 9 February 2024 Redacted (for privacy) FOI from Attorney-General’s office.

Posted by PMA admin