Notice of Irrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence – Matt Comyn

Per: Cestui Que Trust (Beneficiary)
in care of 259 Darling St
Balmain NSW 2041

Registered Post: RPP2105700053003001073605

To: Matt Comyn
Acting as Chief Executive Officer,
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Tower 1, Ground Floor,
201 Sussex Street,
Sydney NSW 2000
ABN: 48 123 123 124

25 June 2024

Notice of Irrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence


Re: Home Loans 561702803 & 562308306

Matt Comyn in his private capacity

With reference to email received on 6 June 2024, subject “Your Commbank complaint outcome CF-13921204C.”

The beneficiary, in response to the letter from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), wishes to address the following points:
1. The beneficiary asserts that, according to Anderson’s 1899 law dictionary, “Mr Wright” is defined as a corporation and a deceased estate. Furthermore, it is classified as an improper name, distinct from the proper name. The notice dated 7 February 2024 also addressed this misnomer.
2. Andersons law dictionary (pages 694-695) claims that a man invests “in his own name” as executor when he invests openly for himself.
3. Without lawful appointment, a man using the name operates as executor de son tort. (in his own wrong)
4. The existence of the law merchant and its customs in statutes worldwide strongly suggests the conversion of Christian man, a son of God, into a merchant.
5. Furthermore, if the legal name is presumed to represent a merchant, it raises questions about the settlement of agreements. Given that the Bill of Exchange is traditionally the merchant’s instrument of choice, and considering that the only money in Australia is a negotiable instrument, why aren’t agreements settled using Bills of Exchange? This discrepancy highlights the potential inconsistencies between historical merchant practices and modern banking procedures, further emphasizing the need to examine the true nature of legal names and financial transactions in light of both historical customs and biblical principles.
6. The beneficiary refutes the relevance of “organized pseudolegal commercial argument” as it was constructed in the Mead v Mead case. The bank shall explain how this case relates to Biblical principles, especially Revelation 18 (KJV) and its depiction of Babylon’s fall and merchants’ lament. Central to this realization is the possibility that through the use of legal names, the sons of God have been unknowingly indoctrinated into performing as merchants. Clarification is sought on how your claim connects to Law Merchant practices and their modern application, as well as definitions of “name” and “legal name” in authoritative law sources. While previous notices did not cite specific statutes, relevant concepts are known to exist within statutory law. The February 7, 2024 notice, which highlighted a birth document discrepancy, initiated this process of uncovering truth. The beneficiary seeks to understand how these elements interconnect in the current banking context, particularly how biblical references illuminate modern financial practices in light of historical facts and their concealment.
7. Building on these legal definitions and concepts, the birth documents of WRIGHT, Glenn John, as is the case with every other legal name birthed by registrar from an event in Australia provide irrefutable evidence that the name utilized by the Commonwealth Bank and the title of the beneficiary are fundamentally different entities – one being a proper name, the other improper, an alias dictus.
8. The birth certificate shows that the construction of the legal name is flawed. There is no evidence that the name was created by anyone other than the state, and it demonstrates that the proper name and surname have been joined in an inaccurate and improper manner.
9. In light of these complex legal and historical considerations, the beneficiary lacks understanding regarding the summary of alleged claims presented by the Commonwealth bank, finding them incomprehensible.
10. The beneficiary maintains that there is a clear distinction between the role of ‘administrator’/’executor’ of WRIGHT, Glenn John and the beneficiary capacity, contrary to the bank’s assertion.
11. The beneficiary demands the return of mortgage insurance paid on the specified loan, as the inference that the Commonwealth bank was the originator of the funds is misleading and deceptive.
12. The beneficiary requires compensation of $900,000 for the Commonwealth bank’s continued use of the named title, to be deposited into the account ending 6291, based on the aforementioned points.
13. The beneficiary asserts their exclusive right to manage the estate’s affairs and reaffirms their authority to protect the interests of the estate without interference. The beneficiary rejects any attempt by the Commonwealth Bank to administrate or intervene in the estate’s matters, viewing such actions as unauthorized trespass.
14. As a son of God, the beneficiary seeks peaceful resolution with an adversary, employing biblical principles such as Luke 12:58. This may involve using conditional acceptance to engage proactively, demonstrate good faith, and resolve matters directly before they escalate to formal authorities.

With reference to the letters dated 7 February 2024, 23 February 2024 and 10 May 2024 all delivered by recorded mail. In those letters the Beneficiary asked you to provide the following reasonably requested specific items:

1. The beneficiary wishes to forgive the unlawful administrator represented by the legal name GLENN JOHN WRIGHT. Past, present, and future mistakes are forgiven in perpetuity.
2. The beneficiary perceives that the power of attorney granted on behalf of the estate has not been enacted in the best interest of the estate. As a consequence, the beneficiary wishes for all power of attorney privileges granted by an administrator be revoked with immediate effect.
3. The beneficiary wishes to receive a copy of all records altered, created, or signed in the name of the estate with the Commonwealth bank’s use of power of attorney.
4. It is the will of the beneficiary to receive all information regarding the loan of currency in the form of a promise to pay, also known generally as a bank deposit.
5. The beneficiary wishes to know the exact location and condition of this security instrument. The beneficiary has reason to believe that the promise to pay, may have been appropriated by the Commonwealth bank assuming it was deposited as a gift, abandoned by the estate and certainly not bona vacantia.
6. It is the will of the beneficiary to advise all parties who have acted as administrators of the estate, whether via de son tort or former power of attorney that the security has not been abandoned nor in bona vacantia.
7. When account number 562308306 was created the Commonwealth Bank required mortgage insurance, allegedly to protect the bank against default, which was believed to be the amount of $4,362.00 plus interest for the life of the alleged loan. Since it was the estate that lent money to the Commonwealth Bank, it is the wish of the beneficiary to be provided with full disclosure of the details and it is the will of the beneficiary that these charges be rescinded, including the interest, and credited back to the estate.
8. The beneficiary is in possession of a document that has been submitted to Queensland Land Registry signed by power of attorney for the registration of a standard terms document for a mortgage. It has been signed 15/06/2011. As the beneficiary had no business with the Commonwealth Bank in 2011, the beneficiary wishes to know why a document has been signed with this date using a power granted by the administrator of the estate acting in their own volition.
9. Richard Werner’s papers have been confirmed by central banks as to the lending process for a banking mortgage, his paper implies the bank is using one member of the estate to pay the bank’s loan back to itself. The beneficiary does not perceive that arrangement to be the most efficient use of estate resources. The beneficiary does not perceive the continuation of this arrangement in the best interests of the estate without adequate compensation to the estate.

10. If the Commonwealth bank wants to continue using an administrator of the estate as trustee for their loan accounts, it is the wish of the beneficiary that compensation be granted to the estate for use of the administrator as holder of the loan accounts. The Commonwealth bank will pay compensation of $900,000 to account BSB: 633000 Account No: 195426291. Once compensation has been received into this account, the beneficiary will allow the administrator to continue to fulfil the duties as holder of Commonwealth bank loan accounts.

11. The beneficiary does not perceive that the Commonwealth bank has administered the estate with the best interest of the estate. Therefore, it is the wish, will and pleasure to withdraw the administrator from the duties of the account holder until compensation has been received into the nominated account.

12. Until compensation has been received by the estate all mail will be directed to the Commonwealth Bank Balmain branch, 259 Darling St, Balmain, NSW, 2041. It is the will of the beneficiary not to allow the administrator to act on behalf of the estate at this present time, which includes acceptance of mail in the legal name.

I hereby serve Notice that failure to provide disproving documentation by COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA, has created a permanent and irrevocable Estoppel by Acquiescence, forevermore barring COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA from bringing any and all claims, legal actions, orders, demands, lawsuits, costs, fees, levies, penalties, damages, interests, liens and expenses whatsoever, against the WRIGHT, Glenn John estate.

It is important that you acknowledge and understand that this is not a letter but a legal notice, which is a consequential specie of correspondence. I hereby declare that the law of agent and principal shall apply and that service upon one is service upon another.

The beneficiary asserts that the failure of COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA to comply with the legitimate requests of the lawful beneficiary, who holds the primary interest in the estate, constitutes implicit acceptance of the following binding terms and conditions::

1. That the alleged debt did not exist in the first place; OR
2. It has already been paid in full; AND
3. That any damages the estate may suffer, you will be held culpable;
4. That any negative remarks made to a credit reference agency will be removed;
5. You will no longer pursue this matter any further.
6. You have not proven any debt. If you sell the alleged liability, and/or appoint an agent to act on its/your behalf in this matter you will have broken our lawfully binding agreement and you agree to pay the following fee schedule.

Fee Schedule
Any further invalid claims against the beneficiary per: GLENN JOHN WRIGHT and/or attempting to contact by mail, mobile phone and/or telephone, or otherwise, will constitute the agreement of COMMONWEALTH BANK of AUSTRALIA to the following Fee Schedule:

1. $1000.000 (ONE THOUSAND AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS) per invalid claim in writing, nunc pro tunc,
2. $1000.00 (ONE THOUSAND AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS) per letter and/or notice sent by recorded mail, nunc pro tunc,
3. $1000.00 (ONE THOUSAND AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS) per attempt to contact by telephone and/or mobile phone and/or email.
4. $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS) per trespass and/or violation of Notice of Trespass,
5. $10,000.00 (TEN THOUSAND AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS) per act of liable and/or defamation and/or extortion,
6. $1,000,000.00 (ONE MILLION AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS) per action in denial of due process in law and/or denial of a jury.

All fees are payable in Thirty (30) days of date of bill, as evidenced by recorded delivery tracking number.

Without malice or mischief, in sincerity and honour.


Per: Cestui Que Trust (Beneficiary)

No assured value, No liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted. All Rights Reserved.
Calls may be recorded

Invoice for $904,362.00 attached, payable in 30 days.

Posted by RebeliousIdiot