Statement and Claim 12th January 2024

Public Notice – Regarding a, 

Statement and Claim 12th January 2024. 

For Harm done with Intent and Continuing; 

Extortion, Personage and Debt Slavery. 


Mark Pitt; In both the acting role as Chief Executive Officer, and in the private capacity; For and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL,

ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: (the “business”):

As many warnings have been given, but to no avail, to stop the harm being committed unlawfully under the presumption of Law against I, the man, using extortion, threats, intimidation, and engaging in the act of executor de son tort, in an attempt to form a joinder with criminal intent, to have I, the man, stand as surety, by being compelled and coerced, to assume a name that is fraudulent, and has been revoked and returned to its creator, [The State]; a fact that you Mark Pitt have been made well aware of, yet many of those crimes still continue, those being;

  1. A tort in conversion of the living name to enforce payment, and sacrifice of one’s labour, to a system of debt and control, by placing I, the man, named :Denis-Peter: in servitude, as surety, [ a debt slave], to allow the breaching of the trust;
  2. The claiming of Authority over I, the man, and personal private property in Trust; of which I, the man hold full title, standing as Landlord, committed by you Mark Pitt, in the acting role of Chief executive Officer and in your private capacity, for and on behalf of all employees and third party interlopers, for and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: done under the presumption of law, [that is not law] and therefore stands as challenged;
  3. Extortion; making claims under threats and intimidation, of seizure of personal private property, without proof for claim, using a forced joinder against the living name causing harm, that is in dispute, due to ongoing conjecture [fraud] against I, the man, Denis-Peter,- the true sole title holder of the personal private property being threatened, belonging to the, DENIS PETER RAWLINSON, Trust & Estate; “as recorded on record, that remains unrebutted”;
  4. Failure to correct the records, to remedy a wrong causing harm, now believed to be being done, knowingly with intent to cover many crimes that don’t just affect I, the man, being the main reason, for failure to supply proof of claim, under oath of office along with heightened threats to extort payment, and claiming the right to seize personal property, without proof of claim against the living man, using a fraudulent name Denis P Rawlinson/DENIS P RAWLINSON, that not only you Mark Pitt, but no claimed Government, “business” or agency in Australia or the Commonwealth can show proof of claim that I, the man, with the born name of Denis-Peter, am anything other than Denis-Peter, it’s a fact of which I, the man hold irrefutable evidence that I am not a fiction lacking life and soul; for a fiction name is nothing more than a fraudulent joinder, an unlawfully created derivative, in many layouts, fonts containing the attachment RAWLINSON/Rawlinson, a [Trust]to be traded being unlawfully attached to the DENIS PETER RAWLINSON, Trust; without full disclosure or freely gained consent, done through deceit and trickery, to enable the usurping of the wealth, as well as have the one and only Beneficiary, of the expressed trust DENIS PETER RAWLINSON, stand surety for the crime being committed and forced to pay that which has been usurped, (a double dip);

    This purported claim has been let known to you Mark Pitt, in the acting role of Chief executive Officer and in your private capacity, for and on behalf of all employees and third party interlopers, for and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: [here after also known as “the “business”]; You Mark Pitt, along with many others have, on a number of occasions have also in writing and on record; have been informed, that your purported claim, has been accepted for its value and consideration upon proof of a lawful claim, and a corrected bill in the name of the living man, Denis-Peter, not some legal fiction the persona, ens legis, juristic person, Denis P Rawlinson, that has been revoked due to the discovery of fraud, a fact that cannot be rebutted, as proven by the perfected liens that remain unrebutted, along with the Estoppel in place, Attached and on public record.

    Therefore under your Quo WarrantoMark Pitt, it is required by I, the man, Denis-Peter, the equitable Beneficial Title Holder and sole beneficiary of the Expressed, DENIS PETER RAWLINSON, Trust & Estate; that irrefutable evidence under oath of Office, be provided to show, proof of claim, that you Mark Pitt, in the acting role as Chief executive Officer and in your private capacity, for and on behalf of all employees and third party interlopers, for and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718;

1)have Commonwealth jurisdiction, powers of authority to “rate” land, impose land taxes (“rates”), fees and charges, upon the sovereign people of the Commonwealth, standing on the land, as a flesh and blood man and women in the private, (not a legal fiction, the persona, ens legis, juristic person, ) 1;

2)are a Commonwealth Government entity pursuant to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900/1901, as amended by lawful referenda5,7,8, (“Constitution”),

3)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of “the “business”, are Commissioned officers of the Crown7,8, with lawful authority to enact or enforce laws, statutory regulations, directions, fees, penalties or charges, being their Oath pursuant to the Constitution, pledge including “I do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors (King Charles III) according to law. So help me God!” (in the Queen or King’s “name”), not some past; QUEEN OF AUSTRALIA, or present KING OF AUSTRALIA, having no substance or life, therefore no authority under Law;

4)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”, that the “Local Government Act 2009 and the Waste Reduction and Recycling Act 2011” were created by a Parliament of the Commonwealth5,7,8under the Crown5,7,8, showing evidence, copy of certified proclamation of Royal Commission of Assent2, pursuant to the Constitution s58, and the Queensland Constitution Act 1867: s2 – 2: 2a3, ie. “Every Bill, after its passage through the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, shall, subject to section s73, be presented to the Governor for assent by or in the name of the Queen and shall be of no effect unless it has been duly assented to by or in the name of the Queen”, and, pursuant to the Queensland Acts Interpretation Act 1954, Part 8 Terms and references in Acts 3.Terms used in written laws, ie.“Her Majesty7,8, His Majesty7,8, Queen7,8, King7,8, or Crown7,8 means the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, and Head of the Commonwealth7,8 and includes the predecessors and the heirs and successors of the Sovereign;”, and, that all Members of any Parliament that created, passed or enacted that legislation, had sworn the correct Oath, pursuant to the Constitution;

5)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”, have an existing contract6 with Denis-Peter, a private man, of flesh and blood, being one of the people of the Commonwealth;

6)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”, has an existing contract6 with ‘Denis Peter Rawlinson’, ‘Denis P Rawlinson’, ‘DENIS PETER RAWLINSON’, ‘RAWLINSON Denis Peter’, or any other incorporated person1 , body corporate or legal fiction created for the purposes of binding in contract6;

7)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”; to-rebut I, am my claim, I am man, in the private, with the name Denis-Peter, the sole beneficiary of the expressed trust, DENIS PETER RAWLINSON, whom was born with the living name Denis-Peter, giving source and value to the expressed Trust -granted by my biological Mother and father, as hand written upon the source document, that was sequestered and fraudulently exchanged for a security instrument, [the State created birth certificate,] that I, the man, was compelled and coerced into claiming as my name through an act of extortion without full disclosure, and my freely given consent, through blackmail, and the crime of extortion, being, forced oppression, and debt slavery ;

8)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”; that my Born name Denis-Peter, did not give value and substance to the persona, ens legis, juristic person name, Denis P Rawlinson, or any other created name used by the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”; against I, the man, Denis-Peter;

9)can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”; with their creation of Denis P Rawlinson and continual use of that name, or any other, used as a joinder, to the DENIS PETER RAWLINSON Trust, under their Quo Warranto, had lawful authority to ignore a wrong being committed that was causing harm, after being informed they where to correct the records, as a fraud had been detected and harm was being done to I, the living man, named Denis-Peter;

10)  can provide evidence under oath of Office, that the employees and agents for and on behalf of the “business”; under Quo Warranto, are not committing the crime of a tort in conversion of the living name to enforce payment, and sacrifice of one’s labour, to a system of debt and control, using extortion, coercion, threats and intimidation, by placing I, the man, named :Denis-Peter: in servitude, as surety, and claiming the unlawful position of Executor de son tort, to allow the breaching of the trust;


Many times on record, Payment has been offered with the correcting of the records, being a lawful right, that was unlawfully ignored, even though a lawful claim was promised to be paid to the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351” upon delivery of evidence showing they are a bona fide creditor and Government entity (“Government” entity pursuant to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act),

Vicarious Liability

Mark Pitt, within Common Law Vicarious Liability, you shall personally have to face a court of Common Law in the event you or agents of the “business” attempt to harm, intimidate, extort or threaten without authority. You may also be subject to Misfeasance in Public Office, and Malfeasance in Public Office, a Tort in Law;

I remain in honour, all I seek is the evidence of your authority, Quo Warranto; so this matter can be settled.

Though take note: 

If any agent of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: makes any determination in absentia against myself as a vita individual or otherwise, or pursues this matter without providing the evidence demanded Quo Warranto, I then reserved the right in equity, to issue a Notice of Liability and claim against your public liability insurance & indemnity insurance, for harm by you Mark Pitt including the “Business” and any agents, including third party interlopers, that have sought to cause me harm or anguish; with a statement of debt, per the Cure and Remedy fee schedule, 31 of March 2023, in both ones acting role as well as in ones private capacity, as a matter of justice and equity;

  • I, Denis-Peter, have not seen, nor am I, in possession of any material evidence or otherwise, that demonstrates any of the points requested within this Notice;
  • I formally stand as one of the people of the Commonwealth, an unincorporated, private man.

Unless the lawfully binding documents which provide the proof of claim of each item outlined in this document is supplied within 21 (twenty-one) days from the date of this Notice, via Registered Mail, I shall assume that there is none, and your claim is null and void, and the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718” including its actors for and on behalf of the “Business” have no lawfully binding authority to ‘rate’ land, or impose land taxes, ‘rates’, fees and charges, and to do so would be unlawful, and without full disclosure and my consent freely and knowingly given nullifying any assumed obligation, or claim, under fraud, noting all commerce is Contract6

Note: All communication is strictly to the man only; Denis-Peter, no other name will be accepted, as that would be fraud, and the crime of personage, engaging in fraud;

Mailing address, as written:  


At/ 136 Martin Crescent,

Benarkin North,

State Queensland [4314]

Commonwealth of Australia.

No joinders – [fiction name]; to do so, will be a tort with intent to harm  

For the Record: I do not consent to any Contract6 or Obligation, past, present or proposed, by any agency purporting to be, but is not, a Commonwealth Government entity pursuant to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900/1901, as proclaimed and gazetted and claiming recognition and authority granted by the people fraudulently, as that recognition and authority was denied by the people, lawfully and on record;

Note: To provide the evidence, or contact me with regard to any matter; only a reply that meets the following criteria qualifies as a proper and verified reply;

  1. It must be supported by an Affidavit with full legible name, title and wet ink signature and address for service, sign and sworn or affirmed by you Mark Pitt as the CEO, for and on behalf of all employees, and actors for the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718” as being true, correct, complete, certain and not intended to mislead, being under the claimants full commercial liability and penalty for perjury.
  2. Must include full and detailed supporting evidence to support the claims in the Affidavit.
  3. See Mailing Address above, this page; 5 of 7, and at header page; 1 of 7, incorrectly addressed mail will be returned unopened and unread without dishonour.
  4. All correspondence must only be sent by Registered Mail to ensure a record of delivery. Without such evidentiary record, Claimant should not take any action that is based on the supposition that such correspondence was received. If the Claimants take any action, they will be liable for all resulting charges or damages they cause to me, my family, pets or property, and subject to the Estoppel in force, with no exceptions.
  5. I/We do not consent or authorise to be contacted by telephone, text message, personal visit or by any other method other than by Registered Mail.

    My Cure and Remedy fee schedule, 31 of March 2023, is included with this Notice, should you Mark Pitt, in the acting role of Chief executive Officer and in your private capacity, for and on behalf of all employees and third party interlopers, for and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: wish to interact without providing the evidence as requested.

    Without malice, vexation, argument or merriment, I demand Quo Warranto before any payment may be made or subsequent contracts or obligations are to be mutually agreed.

    For and on behalf of ‘Denis Peter RAWLINSON’, ‘DENIS PETER RAWLINSON’, ‘RAWLINSON Denis Peter’, ‘Denis P Rawlinson’

    Revoking all claimed obligations, without Consent, freely and knowingly given.

Marked and sealed,    :Denis-Peter: 

All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Non Assumpsit.

tuum est scriptor vere 

Denis-Peter, born of the family Rawlinson, one of the people, of the Commonwealth, a Private man, Principal Creditor, reserving all unalienable God given rights, powers and privileges, waiving none ever. In my correct capacity as the Equitable Beneficial Title Holder, and sole Beneficiary of the DENIS PETER RAWLINSON, Trust and Estate; Permission must be sought in all matters of privity, where mutuality of interest occurs. E&OE.

Attached Documents:

Cure and Remedy fee schedule, 31 of March 2023 Amended and updated –

Estoppels: Land and dwelling, 17th February 2022.

1 Blacks Law Dictionary
2 Annexures 1 through 35 “Australia – The Concealed Colony”

3 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act §117
4 Chicago Manual of Styles – Languages other than English, §11:147
5 Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900/1901, as amended by lawful referenda, Clause 2 and Clause 5, and §58.
6 Competition and Consumer Act 2010, Schedule 2, §40

7 “Commonwealth”, “Queen”, “King”, and “Crown” by Fixed-Meaning Canon – Words must be given the meaning they had when the text was adopted. Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner.
8 Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013, §11.


Marked and sealed,    :Denis-Peter: 

All Rights Reserved – Without Prejudice – Non Assumpsit.

End of Notice;


Note: Full details including downloadable evidence, to which I, the man, hold proof of claim; are located overtly and in perpetuity till the matter is settled;

Noting that any further attacks will result in a separate claim being not only against you Mark Pitt, in the acting role of Chief Executive Officer and in your private capacity, including heirs and successors, for and on behalf of all employees and third party interlopers on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: but also against the board of Directors {Councilors] heirs and successors.

Location of full claim with evidence claimed, though not limited to are located at this link:-

Posted by PMA admin