Public Liability and Indemnity Claim

Public Notice – Regarding a, 

Public Liability and Indemnity Claim: Against, 

Peter Scott in the role of Chief Executive Officer, heirs and successors, for “Energy Queensland: ABN: 96 612 535 583 and the business name Ergon Energy Retail; that also includes, the named Entities “Energy Queensland: ABN: 96 612 535 583, and the attached business name, Ergon Energy Retail; For harm and crimes – of personage, Extortion, Debt slavery, by way of a tort of conversion of the man’s living name, Denis-Peter, that gave substance value to the created name, D RAWLINSON; to claim the man as property, a debt save, done knowingly and intentionally to cause harm; 

Full details, on Google Drive, being a overt Public notices:  

Lodged 18th January 2024, for the attention of:-  

The Office of Risk Assessment & Claims


Peter Scott in the role of Chief Executive Officer, for

Energy Queensland

420 Flinders St,

Townsville City QLD 4810

The following Liability and Indemnity Claims are made under the Cure and Remedy fee schedule, 31st of March 2023, OTH/23/866965; as in force, For Harm with intent and Extortion, of which many warning have been given, particularly with failure to correct the records;

This Claim for damages is in relation to, the three Last three fraudulent attacks, that were received (1) 3rd December 2023; (2) 6th January 2024, returned unopened, including this latest attack, received 16th of January 2024, also returned unopened, scanned copies attached;

Full details including downloadable evidence, to which I, the man, hold proof of claim; are located overtly and in perpetuity till the matter is settled;

Noting that any further attacks will result in a separate claim being not only against the CEO of Energy Queensland, including heirs and successors, but also against the board of Directors and company secretary, including heirs and successors.

Location of full claim with evidence claimed, though not limited to are located here:-

By-Denis-Peter; sui juris,   Equitable Beneficial Title holder [Not the Trustee or surety]

Posted by Jillian