Public Notice – Regarding a;
Public Liability and Indemnity Claim:
ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718:.
Claim 12th January 2024.
“This Claim is Against the following Named”
Mark Pitt; In both the acting role as Chief Executive Officer, and in the private capacity; For and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL,
ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: (and the Entity named and known as the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: (the “business”):
For harm and crimes – of personage, Extortion, Debt slavery, by way of a tort in conversion of the living man’s name, Denis-Peter, that gave substance and value to the created name, Denis-P Rawlinson/ DENIS-P RAWLINSON; to be used as a joinder, to claim the man, Denis-Peter, as property, with no rights, nothing more than a debt slave, done knowingly and intentionally to cause harm;
Full details, are held on Google Drive, being used as an overt Public Notice: site-
With lawful claim/s and supporting evidence, of Crimes and harm done, though not limited to, as more evidence is being added as require;
Having been Lodged 15th January 2024, RPP44 63700 51001 40903 27604, and recorded as delivered 17th January for the attention of:-
Mark Pitt; In both the acting role as Chief Executive Officer, and in the private capacity; For and on behalf of all Employees, for the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: and the Entity named and known as the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: (the “business”):
45 Glendon Street, Kingaroy,
The following Liability and Indemnity Claims with supporting evidence, though not limited to, are claimed under the Cure and Remedy fee schedule, 31st of March 2023, OTH/23/866965; as in force; For Harm with intent and Extortion, of which many warning have been given, particularly with failure to correct the records, a lawful request;
Full details including downloadable evidence, to which I, the man, hold proof of claim; are located – overtly and in perpetuity at a separate location, due to the amount of files attached, that may increase – till the matter is settled;
Though take note;
Any further attacks will result in a separate claim being not only against Mark Pitt; In both the acting role as Chief Executive Officer, and in the private capacity heirs and successors, for and on behalf of the “SOUTH BURNETT REGIONAL COUNCIL, ABN-89972463351; DUNS-757803718: but also against the senior Management, heirs and successors, and the board of Directors [Councilors] heirs and successors; being just a business, with no lawful authority, without Full disclosure, and Consent freely and knowingly given, acknowledge by the wet autograph of both parties, “known as a contract” as all commerce is Contract, to be otherwise is fraud.
There will be no exceptions.
By- Denis-Peter, the man, being the Equitable Beneficial Title Holder, sole Beneficiary [Not the trustee, or surety]