Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913

Criminal Code Act Compilation Act 1913$FILE/Criminal%20Code%20Act%20Compilation%20Act%201913%20-%20%5B19-z0-00%5D.html?OpenElement


44.Term used: seditious intention

An intention to effect any of the following purposes, that is to say —

(a)To bring the Sovereign into hatred or contempt;

(b)To excite disaffection against the Sovereign, or the Government or Constitution of the United Kingdom, or of the Commonwealth of Australia, or of Western Australia as by law established, or against either House of Parliament of the United Kingdom, of the Commonwealth of Australia, or of Western Australia, or against the administration of justice;

(c)To excite Her Majesty’s subjects to attempt to procure the alteration of any matter in the State as by law established otherwise than by lawful means;

(d)To raise discontent or disaffection amongst Her Majesty’s subjects;

(e)To promote feelings of ill‑will and enmity between different classes of Her Majesty’s subjects;

is a seditious intention, unless it is justified by section 45.

[Section 44 amended: No. 44 of 2009 s. 11.]

45.Acts excepted from s. 44

It is lawful for any person —

(a)To endeavour in good faith to show that the Sovereign has been mistaken in any of Her counsels; or

(b)To point out in good faith errors or defects in the Government or Constitution of the United Kingdom, or of the Commonwealth of Australia, or of Western Australia as by law established, or in legislation, or in the administration of justice, with a view to the reformation of such errors or defects; or

(c)To excite in good faith Her Majesty’s subjects to attempt to procure by lawful means the alteration of any matter in the State as by law established; or

(d)To point out in good faith in order to their removal any matters which are producing or have a tendency to produce feelings of ill‑will and enmity between different classes of Her Majesty’s subjects.